Sunday Services – Physical Gathering
We expect that for many (maybe all) of us adjusting to worshipping together again is going to be harder than we might expect. It will feel very odd sitting with gaps in between us. It will feel even odder not being able to mingle and chat to each other. So here are some things to help:
- Services will be shorter; no more than an hour.
- Anyone will be welcome to come and go at any point. Parents with young children may especially find this helpful.

To limit the risks of spreading the virus, we have put in place the following measures:
- Parents are welcome to do whatever else they think will help their children start to re-learn being part of worship. They will also be responsible for helping their children maintain social distance.
- Please don’t come to church if you have any symptoms of COVID-19, or have had in the last 7 days, or if someone in your household or bubble has had in the last 14 days.
- Anyone who develops symptoms during a service should let one of the stewards know and leave for home. There is no need to wait to the end of the service.
- Government guidance is that certain groups of people may be at increased risk of severe disease from COVID-19, including people who are aged over 70 or older, regardless of medical conditions. Individuals who fall within this group are advised to stay at home as much as possible and, if they go out, to take particular care to minimise contact with others outside their household.
- The capacity of the school hall will be limited. All rows are at least 2m apart.
- Doors will be fixed open, so no-one need touch door handles.
- Windows will be open to maximise ventilation.
When you come to church, please:
- Arrive 15 minutes before the start to ensure we can get everyone safely parked and seated.
- Maintain social distancing using the 2m markers outside the school hall entrance as you arrive.
- Wear a face mask whilst attending services within the school hall (Government guidelines state that children under the age of 11 and those with certain medical reasons are exempt from wearing a face mask)
- Bring your own water or hot drinks in a thermos mug, as our usual refreshments will not be served after the service.
- Sanitise your hands on the way in and upon leaving the building.
- You will have been allocated a seat. Stewards will direct you to your seat and ensure there is 2m space between households.
- At the end of the service, please wait for a steward to direct you to the exit, following the one-way system.
- Try to avoid gathering to talk in groups outside the hall or in the car park, both before and after the service. Once you have left the premises you are free to meet as a group of six, as per the Government guidelines.
Other Information
- Although we are keen to sing again, we are following government guidelines and not singing together yet.
- We will not be using the church Bibles, so please bring your own Bible and any service printouts (these can be accessed from the home page).
- Toilets will be available. A one-in/one-out system will operate. Please follow the queuing system indicated and follow the guidance provided by the stewards.
- Government guidance on outdoor worship states:
Outdoor worship is permitted and outdoor settings are the only places where congregational/group singing can take place. The government guidance on singing lays out the rules around this and should be read in conjunction with the performing arts guidance. There may be specific local regulations, especially in tier 3 areas, that place additional restrictions on certain activities, whether indoors or outdoors. There are varying limits on mixing of households that apply in different tiers.