About Us
We are an independent evangelical church that comes together to meet in the village of Little Paxton (at Little Paxton Primary School). Around half of the congregation travels in from the surrounding villages. Though we come from different locations, different backgrounds and are different ages, we are united by our faith in Jesus Christ and commitment to be a gathering of God’s people.
Little Paxton Primary School
Gordon Road
Little Paxton
St Neots
PE19 6NG

Our History
Kingfisher Church was planted by St. Neots Evangelical Church. Beginning from a home group, already established in Little Paxton, we started to hold monthly meetings at the start of 2013. The name Kingfisher was chosen with help from the village during its yearly summer festival. Whilst the name Kingfisher reflects the wildlife in the local nature reserve it also reflects the nature of the church, a people called to be ‘fishers of men’ for Jesus the King.
Rich Fairbairn was called as our first paid elder and pastor in 2014. We were established as a fully independent church the following year.
We continue to keep a close working relationship with St Neots Evangelical Church and Christ Church Cambourne (another plant from St Neots) whilst also working with other evangelical churches in the area as opportunities arise.

Richard Fairbairn
Richard Fairbairn
I’m a pastor at Kingfisher church and joined in September 2014. My wife and I have three children. My grandfather was a baker and I have taken up his profession as a hobby and love to bake bread.
As a minister of the Bible, I long to be like the person described in Isaiah 66:2 who trembles at the word of God.
Mark Slater
Mark Slater
My family and I were part of Kingfisher from the very beginning. Having served as an elder at St Neots Evangelical Church for 24 years I shared in the work of planting Kingfisher. I enjoy playing football and running.
A favourite Bible passage is Psalm 121, a good reminder to lift our eyes to Christ and find our hope in
Diana Bass
Diana Bass
My family and I were part of Kingfisher from the very beginning. I joined the staff as part-time administrator in summer 2017. I love to run and have enjoyed taking part in several half-marathons
and two full marathons for charity.
A favourite Bible passage is Romans 8:37-39, a reminder of how secure we are in Jesus’ love.
Claire Kermode
Claire Kermode
I joined Kingfisher in 2015 and I took up the role of treasurer in September 2020, having had previous treasurer experience with local charities. I enjoy walking especially with my dogs, family and friends.
A favourite Bible passage is 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. It reminds me of how love should be and that without it my works will be somewhat useless.
Damian Mitchell

Vision Statement
We are the place of God’s presence, living and expanding for His glory.
How should we at Kingfisher Church think about ourselves? Maybe the best way to answer that question is to consider where Kingfisher Church fits into the Bible story.
The story of the Bible could be summarised like this…
In the beginning God created a world where he could live with his people and they could enjoy his presence. This wonderful relationship was torn apart when people sinned against God and rejected his rule. The terrible result was that people were removed from God’s presence and no longer had access to his blessings. But God’s purposes are bigger than people’s sins.
Over time God revealed and accomplished a breath-taking rescue plan. This plan reached its peak when God himself took on flesh and came to live among his people. All that was lost in the fall is found in Christ. He came to die for the sins of his people, removing the barrier that had long prevented relationship with God. He rose from the dead and now all who trust him will be brought safely, in him, into a new creation. In the new creation God will live with his people and they will enjoy his presence, eternal joys, for ever and ever.
Where does Kingfisher Church fit into this story?
We live in the space between Christ’s resurrection and his return. This means that we are the beginnings of the new creation, or as Paul writes:
we are the temple of the living God
2 Cor. 6:16
Kingfisher Church is a group of Christians who have committed to be a church together which means that we are the temple of the living God – or to put it another way: we are the place of God’s presence. In a very real way God himself, through the person of the Holy Spirit, lives among us. The implications of this are immense:
it is a privilege and a responsibility.
it is something to be enjoyed and pursued.
The local church is breath-taking!
It is easy to think that Kingfisher Church is small and insignificant, or to think that it is just a practical necessity for local Christians. Both of these views miss the awesome reality that Kingfisher Church is the place on earth where the presence of the living God dwells. This means that it is the only thing that will last into the new creation. Of course this is true of every local church, but let’s not miss how precious it is to belong to Kingfisher Church.
Living together as the place of God’s presence, guarding it, according to God’s Word
Kingfisher is the place of God’s presence. This shapes how we relate to one another. Since God dwells among us we are to love one another deeply. This love aims at deepening relationships which build one another up into Christ.
Expanding the church through God’s Word
Kingfisher is the place of God’s presence. This shapes how we relate to others. Since God dwells among us we are to love others deeply. This love aims at seeing others come to belong to Christ, that is, taking the good news near and far.
This paper is intended to help reflect more in Kingfisher’s vision statement. Further recommended reading:
God Dwells Among Us – Expanding Eden to the Ends of the Earth, G. K. Beale and Mitchell Kim, IVP, 2014 (Intermediary level)
The Temple and the Church’s Mission – A Biblical Theology of the Dwelling Place of God, G. K. Beale, IVP Apollos, 2004 (Advanced level)